WooThemes Updater Notice

WooThemes Updater Notice

Does your WordPress Dashboard show the WooThemes Updater Notice all the time? If you would rather not use the WooThemes Helper Plugin, there is a simple way to remove this message from all dashboard pages. Place the below line of code in your theme’s...

Gzip Compression WordPress

Enabling Gzip compression in WordPress is one of the simplest adjustments you can make to speed up website load time, and even increase your Google Page Speed score. What is Gzip Compression? Gzip compression allows you to save bandwidth resources by compressing...

OpenSSL Show Certificate Info

You can easily use OpenSSL on your server to show certificate info. This can be critical to ensure that the information is correct and also to verify your cert files. When you regularly view a certificate, it does not contain much usable information as it is...

Leverage Browser Caching WordPress Plugin

There are multiple different WordPress plugins that will leverage browser caching. Although, a plugin is not necessary to achieve this since it can be done manually through the WordPress .htaccess file. Browser caching is great as it will help speed up your website...

How to Check Intermediate Certificate

Learning how to check an intermediate certificate is important especially after installing a new SSL cert. If your full certificate chain is not installed correctly on the server this can cause a number of client-side issues. These issues can range from un-trusted...